On March 7, LAWIT GROUP by Lawgistic, together with the group of strategic partners, leaders from different industries, experts and speakers who will be participating in the #LAWITLEGALSUMMIT #CHASINGDRAGONS, shared a high-level session with the CEO of the BMV, Oriol Bosch at the BMV facilities, to make a diagnosis of the great challenges and opportunities that will be analyzed in the #lawitlegalsummit to be held in the CDMX on the 22nd of this month.
Oriol Bosch made a presentation on the values and commitments of the BMV in these two major topics #esg and #transformacióndigital, and mentioned the relevance of both in responsible investment strategies and the growth of companies.
Oriol Bosch made a presentation on the values and commitments of the BMV in these two major topics #esg and #transformacióndigital, and mentioned the relevance of both in responsible investment strategies and the growth of companies.
The Lawit Legal Summit is positioned as the reference event on these issues, for its call to unite different sectors and generate synergies in the face of the urgent need to address ESG and Digital Transformation issues. This Summit will mark a very relevant route for Mexico to insert itself into the digital economy and the requirements to achieve the benefits of sustainable development.
Executives and leaders of companies, firms and associations that have joined this event were present, such as DELOITTE Legal, HOGAN LOVELLS Mexico, LEXLATIN, DILITRUST, GENIUSSOFT, CHEVEZ, ECIJA Mexico, REIMAGINATION TECHNOLOGIES LEXMUNDI, TEC, Tirantloblanch, among others Whoever is interested in taking their business, services, and consulting to another level, should not miss this event. Limited places. A full house is expected in the coming days. Do not miss this opportunity and the experience of strengthening bonds with the players who are changing the rules of the game.
We thank the Mexican Stock Exchange for its kind collaboration, and we are proud to have its CEO as an exhibitor at the Lawit Legal Summit.We also thank our strategic allies, who have joined as a team with us, to show the relevance and importance of acting on these important issues.
The Lawit Legal Summit is positioned as the reference event on these issues, for its call to unite different sectors and generate synergies in the face of the urgent need to address ESG and Digital Transformation issues. This Summit will mark a very relevant route for Mexico to insert itself into the digital economy and the requirements to achieve the benefits of sustainable development.